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TNIUT - Contact Us
If you are interested in our software, or need further information, or have any queries, you can contact us via phone, email or just by filling up the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Via Phone: You can give us a call in the following numbers:
  1. Dr. Shreebatsa Dhital (Pokhara, Nepal): 9860-21890 (mobile)

  2. Midas Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Kathmandu, Nepal): (01)4477235

  3. Mr. Sushil Shrestha (Pokhara, Nepal): (061)528061

Via Email: You can email us at shreebatsa@hotmail.com

Contact form:
You can contact us just by filling up this form too. This is the most convinient method apart from contact by phone.

In the "Address of your Cyber Cafe" field, please enter the name of the street or place, eg Mahendra Pool, or Lake Side etc.

           * Email Address: 

 * Name of your Cyber Cafe: 

Address of your Cyber Cafe:  in 

                 Yes, I am: 

Comments / questions(if any): 

All boxes, except the "Name of your Cyber Cafe" & "Email address" are optional. However if you type in those information too, it will help us to serve you better. Thank you.

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